Introduction to Regression - Machine learning
Types of Regression Models
Regression models are of following two types −
Simple regression model − This is the most basic regression model in which predictions are formed from a single, univariate feature of the data.
Multiple regression model − As name implies, in this regression model the predictions are formed from multiple features of the data.
import numpy as np
from sklearn import linear_model
import sklearn.metrics as sm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
input = r'C:\linear.txt'
input_data = np.loadtxt(input, delimiter=',')
X, y = input_data[:, :-1], input_data[:, -1]
training_samples = int(0.6 * len(X))
testing_samples = len(X) - num_training
X_train, y_train = X[:training_samples], y[:training_samples]
X_test, y_test = X[training_samples:], y[training_samples:]
reg_linear= linear_model.LinearRegression(), y_train)
y_test_pred = reg_linear.predict(X_test)
plt.scatter(X_test, y_test, color='red')
plt.plot(X_test, y_test_pred, color='black', linewidth=2)
Building a Regressor in Python
Regressor model in Python can be developed very much like we built the classifier. Scikit-learn, a Python library for AI can likewise be utilized to fabricate a regressor in Python.
In the accompanying model, we will construct fundamental relapse model that will fit a line to the information for example direct regressor. The vital stages for building a regressor in Python are as per the following −